Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Weekly status

Alright, it's Tuesday night and I made it through another week. Whod'da thunk it. Well, let's see what the week was like in a glance.

Exercise: I did something useful every day, didn't get hurt, that's the most important part.

Food: I think I ate in relative moderation, yes, thinking of writing this blog still scares me away from overeating. What will I do in two weeks when (as planned) I stop writing this? One thought is that I'll just keep a weekly blog and see if it has the same effect.

Mentally: pretty stable, mostly cheerful with a positive attitude. I am beginning to like running and other physical activities, probably because I feel really good when I finish. The food addiction control isn't too bad either, although I know I could do better. However, I don't want to do too many drastic changes all at once. Overall, pretty happy.

Physically: other than the bit of knee trouble, I feel pretty good. I have a lot of energy, I really noticed it last night when I played table tennis. I felt really playful even after I ran 4.6 miles in the afternoon. I felt I was just dancing in the gym. A few months ago I didn't even go and play on Monday night when I ran (slow) 2.3 miles. No big deal now.

  1. Well, got my allergy shots as I mentioned on Sunday
  2. I am acutely aware that my body and my mind both are going through some (me thinks) good changes.
  3. Getting rolfed tomorrow. Tomorrow should be my legs and feet. BTW, my rolfer's name I use here is a pseudonym to protect the innocent. I'll ask her tomorrow if it's OK to use her real name. I'll have the rolfing writeup #2 probably by Thursday night.
  4. Pretty used to drinking a gallon of water a day.
  5. I'll have a minor surgery on Friday - nothing major (me hopes, anyway) and nothing I want to discuss here, either. That may put a (preferably temporary) damper on my exercise regime and my happiness. Hence the drinking of ecchinacea - I need to be strong and build up immunity so I can recover quickly.
  6. I figured last night that my target hearbeat is 136 - 159. Supposedly, according to the 'Karvonen formula' (google it if you want to). I clocked my heart at about 57 bpm (beats per minute, resting heartbeat) the other day. I need to check it one day as soon as I wake up - I wonder what's it right after I wake up.
  7. Speaking of the heart beat, I am still debating the heart rate monitor. I mean I have done OK up to this point, didn't I?
  8. I am obviously confused about what's aerobic vs. anaerobic exercise. Oh, hell, I'll just play Forrest Gump and just keep running, the hell with all this science crap.
  9. I also noticed that due to this log I am limiting my alcohol consumption. I think of it as a treat now, not as something automatic that I just do when I come home from work.

Errata: I described my rolfing session as number 3 in the previous rolfing entry and I don't remember how I came to such a conclusion. Re-reading about rolfing on various websites leads me to a conclusion that I have gone through a session #1, just like Ida Rolf prescribed. So, yes, I was wrong and I apologize. I could have fixed that, but then we wouldn't have any proof that even I can be wrong, would we?


Anonymous said...

Once again tremedous job on a 1 month commitment to health. You have, and are, doing yourself a favor. As I read your days, I can see you're learning about how to work with your body machine. You moved and played so well on Monday night and I can't help thinking that your regiment these past weeks is a big part of it!
You're learning what it takes to become a lean, mean, TT and Sex machine.
- B

The Chopper said...

Thanks B for your support, it does mean a lot. It's getting to be much easier as time goes by, kind of like a habit. I normally look forward to the morning mush and I don't feel the urgent need to eat everything that's on the table at a moment.
Thank you for your compliment on Monday night game, allow me to reciprocate. I did feel like dancing. To give credit where credit is due, I also feel it has a lot to do with the rolfing. She is kind of disassembling my muscular structure and the plan is to put it back together one day. I feel the effects of it both physically and mentally. Strong effects.