Thursday, June 09, 2005


The day after I got rolfed for the second time and still feel very good about it - no, there are no bruises, there was no beating, I still think it's pretty cool.

Well, my regime is changing for next few days due to my surgery tomorrow. I had to stop eating at noon today, have to stop drinking at midnight. One paper claims I can have clear liquids up to about 4 hours before the surgery, the other instructs me not to. I guess I'll keep it on the safe side.

Breakfast: About the last solid food I will have for a few days, I slowly enjoyed a parmesan cheese square bagel with bacon and swiss cheese at Brueggers. And a nice cup of coffee from my favorite Peaberry's coffee.
Snacks: none
Lunch: cup of french onion cheese soup at Jason's. Very good and inexpensive.
Dinner: nothing
Alcohol: none
Water: drank only 1/2 gallon at work, working on a pot or echinacea tea, will likely have another one and some more water before I go to bed. Yeah, I'll have to get up during night, but I don't care, they'll put me to sleep tomorrow afternoon - preferably they'll wake me up, too :).

Exercise: walked to Jason's - I think it's about 4 miles, I got to measure it with the vehicle. Maybe tomorrow.
General mood: not too bad, but was kind of worthless at work. I have never had surgery or been under general anesthesia, so I don't worry about it too much. Learning to let go and accept things that are meant to be.
I am fully aware that my attitude may drastically change by tomorrow afternoon - it's been quite a few years since the last time I seriously freaked out. Actually, I can't even remember what was the occasion. I must have freaked out one time or another in this lifespan. Everybody does. I think.
The scale claimed 198.2 in the morning. Not too bad, I am pretty happy. I am probably going to drop a few pounds in next few days. I think I'll need to gain them back quickly before I lose them again. I think losing weight through fast, anesthesia and surgery is probably not a Good Thing (TM), although this method seems to be very popular in Hollywood and other upscale (pun intended) places.

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