Sunday, June 05, 2005


Breakfast: last night I thought I'll try the new 50/50 mush. Well, I got up, stepped on the scale (I weigh myself every morning after the customary bathroom trip) and the scale claimed 199.4. Feeling giddy, I had 2 strips of bacon, 2 eggs, 1/2 onion, 1 roasted chili pepper, some feta cheese and 1 1/2 red potato. All nicely fried in bacon grease. Have to say, much tastier than mush.
Snacking: about a cup of almonds with dry bananas and dry apricots. Found an apple in my table tennis bag and ate it.
Dinner: oh boy, today was my day to be bad. Hawaiian pizza - ham and pineapple. Yes, because I am acutely aware that I have to write stuff down, I had only 2 1/2 slices. On my normal day, I'd put away 4 - 6 slices. Not too bad.
Treat: cup of pistachio icecream with 1/2 shot of rum. Yup, it's Sunday night and I did have a reasonable workout today.
Exercise: did 25 crunches, 50 obliques (25 on each side). Played table tennis for about 3 hours. Not too bad. Feel physically strong.
Other: not much more today. Watched the finals of French Open. What a match. Actually, there was something rather interesting. On my way home from table tennis, just as I was pulling into the garage, I felt a burning sensation under my right shoulder blade. First I thought that maybe a hair got caught in my shirt or something like that. So I wiggled a bit and felt it again. I stopped the car, and by the time I got out, I felt it 2 more times. Well, it was a poor misguided wasp who fell through the sunroof and I squished it with my back a bit. Yup, I got zapped for a total of four times. I carefully removed the wasp and let him (her?) loose in our xeriscape garden, I am sure he had quite an adventure to tell his buddies. The welts stopped itching in about an hour. Hey, these are my allergy shots for the year :)
Alcohol: none other than the customary 1/2 shot of rum with icecream, had a gallon of water and 4 cups of echinacea tea.

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