Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Session #3
  1. I'll start with a warning: If you ever want to get rolfed and get the impartial, genuine experience, do not read this (read my first 2 rolfing sessions writeups). It's not because it would be scary, but I am talking about my experiences here so if you do keep reading, you will condition yourself to expect something similar and your mind will pre-build a response to it before you have a chance to feel it yourself.
  2. You have been warned and you're still here. Fine, read on.
  3. We definitely took better pictures than last time. We used a tripod this time and aimed the camera at little below my waist and tried to get the right angles really right. We have pictures from before the session, in the middle (after my right side was done) and after the session. I am still not posting them here - you'll have to wait until I scale at or below 175.
  4. Session #3 is concerned with the sides of my body. Ashlane started working with my right hip and I did feel the heat there. Literally. She was right about at the limits of what I can handle as far as the pressure goes. Just about perfect.
  5. Then she moved really slowly up to my obliques and up to my arm and moved to my back later on. Repeat on the other side.
  6. I really enjoy the slow, meticulous, determined movement. Have you ever seen Andrei Agassi walk on the tennis court? He walks with determination and a purpose. He means to make that every step. That's what I would compare rolfers movement to. Very deliberate, patient, every move has a reason.
  7. There was a time I stopped talking in the middle of a sentence - talking is optional, not always desired, I tend to exercise my right to free speech unless asked to shut up and breathe. Ashlane asked me what's wrong. Nothing was wrong, I was just savoring the moment, it felt so good.
  8. She has never even touched my legs and they started shivering and shaking towards the end of the session.
  9. This time I didn't do any reading beforehand (hence my warning above), I did know it's going to be on the sides of my body, I didn't know what to expect.
  10. Physically, this session was a bit more intense than the previous one, I felt more pressure, more heat. That may not be too surprising when you consider you have someone's elbow melting the tissue right below your skin and right on top of your hips or ribs. Not too many places the tissue can escape to and there is not much muscle cushion there either.
  11. On the other hand, when she did move over to the more masculine parts (no bones underneath, on my sides), these muscles felt like a flexible canvas she was painting on.
  12. Couple of times I wasn't quite sure whether I should resist or let go when she dug into my back. I felt like if I give in, she'll push me off the table. Well, she didn't, she was nice :).
  13. I have a couple of tender spots on my hips, considering this is a pretty tough area, it shouldn't come as a surprise.
  14. Very good experience one more time. I didn't feel nearly as wired as the last time. I felt much more mellow, didn't have any equilibrium problems.
  15. I like to stretch in the morning when I am still in bed. I felt like stretching after this session. I laid on the table and felt like I can reach both sides of the room with my extremities if I wanted to. My upper body feels taller and stronger, I don't feel any different in my lower body, my feet are firm on the ground, standing very upright, I would say. I kind of feel like a stretched rubber band in a slingshot, begging to be released. I guess that could indicate power and strength.
  16. I talked to my friend at work yesterday and we stumbled on the subject of yoga. I asked Ashlane about yoga and she is of the opinion that it's likely to be very beneficial to me. Got to find a place to go to. I think it would be a good thing to do. I am very inflexible.
  17. Nighty, night, I'll probably do an update in the morning or sometime tomorrow.

Other comments:
Nothing to do with rolfing, but since I stopped writing down the food, I just have to mention this here. Had lunch in all you can eat pizza place. Yup, one of those shops of horror. Had 1 slice with ham and pineapple, one slice with pesto and 2 plates of salad with no dressing. It was still a relatively painful experience, looking at all those pies there, just begging to be eaten. Although I felt like a reformed alcoholic in a liquor store, I resisted. I am winning this game!

My ankle is still swollen a bit, I am still laying off (well, today was a rolfing day and I don't work out on rolfing days anyway). I will go at least walking on Friday, maybe running. Maybe I should go swimming in the morning - hmmm, what an idea!

Update on Thursday 6/23/05:
Didn't go swimming. Came to work today and my friend, coworker and running buddy S. said: "You're grinning and you look taller. Did you get rolfed again?" I could not compliment Ashlane any better.

I'll add that although she was pretty brutal (in a nicest possible way) and applied a lot of pressure to my hipbone area (I think it's called suprailliac) which is still somewhat tender, there are no bruises. Very impressive.

I feel good, walk with my head up, look people straight in the eyes. Cool beans.

Westminster rec center offers a three week yoga classes. I'll see if I can get in. Probably a reasonable place to get acquainted with yoga.

Update on Saturday 6/25/05:
Finally, a couple of bruises showed up on my hips last night (Friday). Both were about the size of a quarter. Ashlane applied plenty of pressure there - yes, she did ask and I said I was fine. It took two days for them to show up. Actually, they are almost gone by now (Saturday evening). Still pretty impressive.

I'll go to sample 'Yogalates' class on Tuesday evening. Combination of Yoga and Pilates offered by Westminster recreation center. New class starts on July 5th, I'll probably sign up for it.

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