Thursday, June 16, 2005


Today was not my favorite day. I still have a bit of headache.

Breakfast: finally finished the chicken ginger plum sausage (one piece), one egg, cheese, spinach, buttered toast.
Lunch: vietnamese noodle soup (pho), medium with tendon. Still craving tendon.
Snacks: handful of trail mix, teaspoon of cacao nibs, orange
Dinner: small bowl of potato leak pork soup (made it myself)
Fluids: didn't finish my normal gallon at work (however, the soup is probably 1/4 gallon right there), had a few more glasses of water at home, teapot of chamomile tea, glass of red wine.
Alcohol: glass of red wine
Sugar: none
Exercise: none, took a day off.

Commentary: I woke up with a headache but was tempted to walk to work again. Decided not to push it. I really don't want to hurt myself, that would be quite bad. Took it really easy in the morning, spent 20 minutes in hottub before going to work. That was a good thing.

Had difficulties concentrating today. Not that I was tired or low on energy. I guess despite of my intentions, I was just pissed off at myself for yesterday's stupidity and just could not focus very well. I have a feeling that not exercising didn't help either.

Went home early, stopped at food store, got some stuff and spent evening cooking. I like cooking. I cooked beef tendon with ox tail as one dish and pork potato leek soup as another. I hope this is the end of my collagen protein craze. I do feel that my body is telling me to slow down a bit. Oh well, we have some really potent beef broth in the fridge now.

Feel fine physically, my legs don't hurt at all, maybe I can walk tomorrow? We'll see.

Scaled at 198.2 in the morning.

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