Monday, June 06, 2005


Breakfast: had the 50/50 oat bran / wheat bran mush. Not too bad. Wheat bran is much much lighter and mixed with oats doesn't taste too bad.
Snacks and other: 2 coconut cups (pretty small but still probably quite a bit of fat), had about a cup of nuts and fruits before and after exercise. Tablespoon of cacao nibs.
Lunch: 2 slices of pizza from yesterday
Dinner: 2 1/2 slices of toasted rye bread with butter, mustard and one lightly fried egg with handful of spinach.
Alcohol: none
Water: normal gallon + a bit more while I played table tennis
Exercise: it was interesting today. My coworker came back from India last week. She asked me to train her before she went and we managed to get rid of 6 pounds in about a month. She accomplished our 2.3 miles circuit in under 30 minutes - that was the goal. Well, she is back and she is getting back into it. So we ran almost the whole loop together, making pretty good time but she ran out of steam at about 1.75 miles. If she had kept the pace, we would have finished at about 31 - 32 minutes. Considering she didn't do anything in India, I am pretty happy. She did well. We finished the loop walking, she went back to the office to stretch and I went one more time at my pace. Finished in 21 minutes, heart beat at about 160. I think I like it around there. So, total of 4.6 miles running.
Went to play table tennis in the evening, got a good workout from that, too.
Other: morning scale was good to me - 198.4. Me happy.

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