Thursday, June 02, 2005


Breakfast: A bit unusual, I started with a square of my homemade chocolate from yesterday. It actually tastes pretty good. That was about 7 am. I decided to take about a tablespoon of the cacao nibs and dump them in a coffee grinder at work. It resulted in a chocolate paste. It really releases the chocolate aroma when finely ground like that. Tried to make a chocolate drink out of it but that kind of sucked. Ended up eating it mixed with the sugar cane syrup. Then I had to wait for a couple of hours for the fat to be digested, so I really had my breakfast at about 10 am. Morning mush. Hey, I totally forgot to drink coffee today and guess what? I am still alive. Hmmm, maybe I am not addicted to coffee.
Snacks: finished the tortilla chips we had left in the office - they are actually not too bad (other than the fat content) - made with organic corn? Yeah, I wonder what the term 'made with organic' means... There are 2 organic corn kernels per bag ... Anyway, ate these after my workout. Also had a handful of nuts and dry fruit.
Lunch: Subway 6" turkey sandwich, no cheese, no mayo, no dressing. Just bread, turkey and load of veggies.
Dinner: those damn chips. Well, had some more (corn chips) with salsa.
Alcohol: glass of white wine (Pinot Grigio). I don't drink whites very often. Not too bad, kind of light.
Exercise: rollerblading. Did 3 of my exercise circuits of 2.3 miles on rollerblades for the total of 6.9 miles in about 45 minutes. Just in case you wonder what's the deal with 2.3 miles - that's the roundtrip on the bikepath next to our office. Conveniently going down, around an artificial lake, then up the hill and back to the office. Also did 111 crunches on the ball at home about an hour after dinner.
Other: Had no coffee, was done with my daily gallon of water at 2:30 pm. So, I drank a bit more than a gallon today. I am getting used to it but still need to get the timing right.

  1. I was browsing through my previous posts and found a few spelling and typing problems. Have to go and fix them.
  2. I am a pretty decent rollerblader - coming from former Czechoslovakia, of course I played ice hockey as a kid. So of course I don't wear a helmet or any kind of padding - I can usually find a reasonable place to land when in dire straits. Well, today I was zipping down the hill (on the second round), my left blade slipped a bit unexpectedly (put too much pressure into braking) and I started doing gymnastics in the middle of the street, thinking 'Shit, this would be really bad, there is no grass anywhere near me, just asphalt'. Somehow I managed, but going through for the third time I was a bit more careful. I do get kicks out of going downhill on rollerblades.
  3. Rollerblading can be aerobic and also anaerobic exercise. Going downhill is definitely anaerobic. I have to really press on my legs to keep the speed under control, not much of breathing there, this is strength exercise. Going uphill on the other hand requires the whole body movement and a lot of air. I could not believe my heartbeat was at 180 when I topped the hill - that's about as high as it gets when I try to run my circuit below 22 minutes.

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