Monday, June 13, 2005


Breakfast: chicken ginger plum sausage (a bit too sweet for my taste), 1/4 onion, 2 eggs, 2 toasts with butter. One small blood orange (with the rind - stuff's good for you).
Lunch: tortilla wrap with turkey and spinach
Snacks: handful of banana chips with nuts and apricots, slice of Nancy's blueberry cheesecake (hmmm, good), cup of baby carrots.
Dinner: we went early, at about 5 pm. Of course the customary chips and salsa came in first. Then I had a small bowl of menudo (I have been after collagen lately) and a large plate of medium rare Mexican steak with refried beans, rice and green chili. Los Arcos on 80th and Sheridan is a good place to eat.
Exercise: walked before lunch about 2.5 miles (relatively fast), than walked again before diner for about 45 minutes (leisure pace).
Fluids: gallon of water with lemon, bucket of coffee, had a 'presidential' margarita at Los Arcos - good stuff.

Other: hmmm, not much exercise today, I made up for it with the Mexican dinner. Oh man. The scale is still good to me, 197.4 in the morning at the regular time.

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