Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Breakfast: finally had my morning mush again. Had to resist the plum chicken sausage - not too difficult.
Lunch: large bowl of chicken soup leftover from the weekend. Added some garlic and spinach, I was craving spinach.
Snacks: about a handful of my trail mix, cup of baby carrots, had a slice of blueberry cheesecake before my walk, one herring (pickled fish) and toast with butter and white cheese in between my walks.
Dinner: small bowl of split pea soup with ham shanks.
Exercise: today was rather interesting. I was curious to find out how long is my standard walk on the nearby bikepath, so I took the bike out to find out. It is 2.9 miles roundtrip. I added another 1.1 miles to the other side, so now I have a nice 4.0 miles loop I know about. This was in the morning, so in the evening Nancy and I did the 4 miles loop walking in a little over an hour (about 65 minutes), then I had my herring and toast and walk the loop again, this time in about 55 minutes. Not too bad. In a few more days I may even go running, I don't think I am ready yet, I think I'll stick with walking till next week.
Fluids: gallon of water, 2 cups of tea, teapot of chamomile tea with honey, no alcohol.

Other ramblings:
Since the surgery I have been craving skin, tendons and similar animal parts that most people normally throw away. I asked for head cheese at the local Super Target and the lady said 'Yeah, I remember, it's something my dad used to eat, but we don't have it'. Cooking ham shanks and eating the cartilages and sucking out the bones was about as close as I could get. Funny, with all the health craze it's becoming impossible to find the old fashioned fat foods. Thanks God for pickled herring and ham shanks. It's becoming difficult to find a good menudo anymore too (the one I had yesterday was very good).
I guess my body wants these things now. I strongly suspect it's after collagen in order to heal and I am desperately trying to listen to my body lately. It's kind of cool, we're becoming to live in pretty decent harmony. Only if I could get my mind to do the same ... :).
Very good day overall. Scale told me 197.2 in the morning.

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