Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Pretty simple day as far as eating and workout.

Breakfast: oat bran mush
Snacks: about 1/2 cup of nuts and fruits, about a teaspoon of cacao nibs, there were still cookies in the office kitchen from yesterday, didn't touch a single one. Ya-hoo!
Lunch: this was interesting. Three of us decided to combine lunch with exercise, so we walked to Jason's Deli, had all you can eat salad bar (1 egg, about tablespoon each of pasta salad, coleslaw, spiced peanut salad (yummy), the rest of my plate was onion, spinach (I like spinach), bell peppers, broccoli, okra, tomatoes, ...). Also had about 3 teaspoons of vanilla, chocolate and cream liquor pudding. Yummy.
Dinner: Hmmm, very busy, skipped dinner altogether. I guess once in a while it's OK to do so.
Alcohol: none
Water: didn't do the whole gallon today, well maybe I did, I am sucking down my teapot of echinacea tea right now. Pretty close.

Exercise: 25 crunches, 25 obliques on each side, 4 mile walk. Easy day.

Other: I realized yesterday afternoon that I didn't drink coffee neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday. Hmmm, maybe I am not too addicted to it, looks like I didn't miss it too much. Had half a bucket today (about 2 cups of my Turkish).
Scale showed me 199.2 - that's right, yesterday was a fluke. As I said, I suspect a bit of dehydration.

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