Monday, June 20, 2005


Breakfast: mush
Lunch: my pork feet gello - low fat, pure protein, 2 small toasts, 1/2 onion, vinegar
Snacks: 1/2 cup of carrots, handful of trail mix
Dinner: 3 chicken drumsticks, 2 cups of broccoli salad, orange later on and handful of trail mix
Fluids: gallon +, no alcohol
Exercise: 2 hours table tennis, ran 2 laps:
Lap 1: 2.23 miles at 4.8 mph in 0:27:47, 136 average bpm (beats per minute)
Lap 2: 2.30 miles at 6.8 mph in 0:20:09, 175 average bpm (hit 191 once for about 5 seconds)

Comments: I can get my heart to go up to 150 bpm playing table tennis. Interesting. Morning scale: 192.0

OK, I am officially hurt. My right ankle is swollen. I need to lay off for a few days. This is a major bummer.

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