Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Weekly status

Well, whod'da thunk it, it's Tuesday again, hence the time for the weekly.

  1. I have been doing this for past 3 weeks. Wow.
  2. Looking back, what a change!
  3. I am very used to the new regime, I have noticed I have a pretty reasonable control over the contents of the refrigerator and I don't even think about the fact that I have to write it down.
  4. I have noticed that my alcohol consumption went down as well. I was used to having at least one drink per day, usually a glass of wine or shot of rum in the evening. Sometimes more. We have had a lot of beer in the refrigerator since the ping pong party 2 weeks ago. I don't think I had a single one of them. And I love beer - I am Czech.
  5. I am not much tempted by chocolate, icecream and other sweet stuff. I am slowly consuming Nancy's cheesecake, which is pretty damn good, but just one slice a day. A month ago that thing would not last a day, I'd have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  6. I drink a gallon of water (normally with 1/2 lemon in it) every day (the surgery time was an unfortunate anomaly) and it does not seem to cause any major problems anymore. Granted, I do have to plan a bit ahead once in a while - you don't want to drink 3 glasses of water before you go and get rolfed or massaged, you want to drink them after - but overall, no big deal anymore. I don't even have to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes anymore, my body deals with the supply in relatively nice way.
  7. The above leads me to a conclusion that I'll do the daily logging for one more week and then I'll try to wean myself off of the daily status and slow down to a once a week only. This hinges on me not screwing up by eating everything on the table next time I go to all you can eat chinese or pizza buffet.
  8. I like the way I feel mentally. I walk more straight with my head up and I seem to feel very level-headed with my feet planted firmly on the ground. I feel tall and confident. I have had a very positive attitude lately.
  9. The people from the surgery clinic called me on Monday morning asking how do I feel and I told them that if it wasn't for the surgery itself, I'd do this every week. I think this has to do with my inquisitive nature - I am naturally curious about things and since this is the first time I ever went under and the first time I ever had a surgery (well, I had to have 6 stitches when I was 15 and my friend accidentally cut me with a knife - young, stupid, screwing around with sharp objects), I was kind of looking forward to the experience. This is probably my defense mechanism, too - I know it's inevitable (well, you can always skip the town if you're willing to pay for the consequences), so I keep my mind busy with stupid questions and inquiries (asking anesthesiologist: "can you strawberry flavor that gas you're gonna zap me with?" - and guess what? - he can, so I got 'tutti-frutti' for my nighty-night) so it doesn't have much time to think about needles, knives and other sharp instruments which I am not too fond of.
  10. My low weight was about 197.2, I think, although I don't always write it down. I think the high was somewhere around 202, in the evening with full stomach and loaded with water. Not too bad, I see the 195 mark steadily approaching. I did see as low as 194, but that's right after exercise with not enough water in my system so it doesn't count.
  11. I ordered the GPS heart rate monitor. It tracks your heart and gives you exercise time with speed and distance data gathered through GPS. Oooh, aaah, I hope it's as cool of a toy as it sounds. If I was paranoid, I'd say uncle Sam has one more means of tracking my every step. I am not paranoid.

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