Saturday, June 11, 2005


OK, still alive and relatively no pain. Life is good, I am not taking any pain pills.

Breakfast: one egg, 1/4 onion, shreads of mexican white cheese. Complemented with 50/50 oat and wheat bran mush.
Snacks: about two cups of banana chips with apricots and nuts
Lunch: toast, butter, white cheese, turkey
Early dinner: leftover banana squash 'stuff', 1 1/2 corns (boiled)
Dinner: same as lunch
Fluids: back to gallon of water, teapot of chamomille tea, glass of red wine
Exercise: went for a walk twice. First time to Walgreens - about 20 minutes each way, between lunch and early dinner. Second walk was before dinner, about 30 minutes each way.

Comments: I have seen the epiphany of laziness today. Walking by a house in the neighborhood I saw a few, not exactly lean people watching their automatic lawnmover robot cutting their yard. The last form of exercise known to Joe Sixpack is disappearing into the abyss of oblivion! What's next - a burger will walk itself to the grill and then back on Joe's plate? BTW, the cutter robot doesn't do that great of a job - definitely not the English lawn. Hmmmm, 60 % of our population is obese, how could that have possibly happened???

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