Saturday, June 18, 2005


It's really Monday night now, so I am backposting this (and Sunday) with fake dates. I did keep track.

Breakfast: mush
Lunch: potato latke (it's actually some sort of corn cake, relatively greasy), half a cup of sobe noodles
Snacks: banana, toast with herring
Dinner: 2 small steaks, yellow gold potato, bowl of spinach salad with olive oil and vinegar
Fluids: gallon of water +, glass of wine, chamomile tea
Exercise: woke up in the morning and decided I need to earn the food I eat. So Nancy and I walked to Wild Oats on 96th and Sheridan. At around noon. Very hot. Bought the food, dropped of Nancy at Barnes & Nobles and walk/ran home to get the car. Totals:
Walk 4.17 miles in 1:10:00 at average speed of 3.5 mph, average heartbeat (bpm = heart beats per minute) at 104
Walk/run 4.0 miles in 0:46:39 at 5.1 mph, 148 bpm.

The walk/run was interesting. Thanks to my new toy, I would just run until I reached about 160 bpm then start walking and let it drop to 135 and then run again. This way I can comfortably do 4 miles and still get a decent average.

I think I need to lay off walking for a few days, had to ice my feet. This business of walking kind of hurts - I think I am using muscles I have not used before. We'll see.

Scale: 194.6

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