Friday, June 03, 2005


Breakfast: morning mush
Snacks: handful of dry fruit and nuts
Lunch: ham sandwich, 4 very small toasts, 2 slices of ham, quarter of onion
Dinner: a bowl of chicken chili, bowl of tortilla chips, icecream (yum) with a dash of rum. Oh yes, had a couple of bites of apple crumb cake.
Exercise: 2.3 miles run in 19:05
Water: these gallons are so easy to drink now. I stopped at about 1 pm to go to the doctor's office and resumed at about 5. Still finished the gallon and had a liter of echinacea tea in the evening on top of it. I'll be drinking that stuff quite a bit from now on.
Alcohol: dash of rum with the icecream - maybe about 1/2 shot.
Other: I realized my right eye is loosing focus. Kind of strange, got to keep my eye on it :)

Memorable moments:
  1. Stepped on the scale in the morning, it said 199.2 - just to make sure, I tried it again and again and it never went over 200 (it's digital scale, so it fluctuates).
  2. Ran my fastest time ever - it kind of felt good from the beginning, I just cruised down the hill and at 1.5 miles I realized that I am making a really good time, I should keep pushing. Well, I had to stop couple of times and just gasp for air. At the end I measured my pulse at about 200 - a bit too high. I should probably look for a pulse-o-meter and keep better track, I wouldn't want to keel over on the bikepath.
  3. Went to a doctor today, among other things they checked my blood pressure and I think the nurse said 130 / 88. I asked her whether it's good or bad and she said it was really good. OK, I am happy. Didn't get a physical, so I still don't know what my cholesterol is. My next physical is due in October, I think I'll wait till then.

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