Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Weekly status

Well, it has been a week. Stuff I observed, learned, was told, stumbled upon, ...
  1. Blogging gives me a better control over what I eat. I stopped myself short several times on several memorable occasions during previous week. These occasions could have turned into an ugly food orgy but didn't because I thought: "Shit, I'll have to admit to this atrocity on my blog". So instead of gobbling up a half a pound of carrot cake, I just had a little piece.
  2. This is pretty convenient way of keeping track of my workouts.
  3. I have to keep this simple. You may have noticed that I dropped the calorie count. It just takes too much time to figure it out and I just don't have the patience. Still, I learned that I can kind of eyeball it and come to a meaningful (to me, anyway) conclusion about a good vs. a bad day.
  4. I'll try to do this for a month. We'll see what happens then.
  5. I like rolfing. Episode one made me much more aware of my body and what it's made out of. I thought that while very gentle, Shea went pretty deep. When I came home I read the stuff on the rolf institute web site that says that the first three sessions prepare your body for the really deep stuff. This will be interesting, I didn't think it was possible to go any deeper. I think it also has an effect on my mental state - positive from where I stand, your opinions may vary. I feel I have an obligation to take better care of myself now. See below.
  6. I am learning to drink more water.
  7. On my very first day I said that "I do not plan to do (eat, exercise) any different from what I do today". Well, guess what? It's already happening. I am acutely aware of my food addiction and it is becoming increasingly harder to 'conveniently' skip the workout because I 'will make up for it tomorrow'. These kind of thoughts do come, but I'd feel like an ungrateful slimeball if I gave in. I think this came out of the rolfing session.
  8. My weight fluctuated from the low of 201.8 to the high of 208.2 lbs during this week. I would like it to fluctuate between 191.8 to 198.2 at the end of this experiment. Wishful thinking?
  9. My thanks go to those of you supporting me in this. Thanks for your comments. Keep them coming. Stay tooned (sic) ...
  10. Browsing through my previous posts, I got a briliant idea. A thought came to me (yes, it does happen at times) that it would be really nice to have a glass of wine after I finish this. But I dismissed the idea because I'd have to modify today's blog. Bingo! If I write the daily status as soon as I come home from work and basically close the books for the day, I'll have an incentive not to eat in the evening because I'd have to edit the blog. You just have to love the human mind. Here is to 'How to make your laziness working for you'. Hmmm, does this mean that now I'll have to drink wine as soon as I wake up for fear of missing it?

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