Monday, May 30, 2005


Aaah, the day of the pingpong party. I know, I know, it's table tennis. Whatever. Well, very interesting day. It started with
The breakfast: very exciting, had my morning mush in anticipation of bad things coming my way. And I was right, there was no dinner, no lunch, no snacking. It was one continuous stream of food. Well, due to this blog, I may call it more of a trickle with an occasional burst. Here we go:
The food: I started snacking at about noon on (of all the foods) potato chips. Had a chip here and there, once in a while a tortilla chip. Then came the first shot of rum. Being the keen observer I am, it is becoming clear to me that alcohol totally inhibits my will not to eat. On one side I think it kind of depresses the appetite, on the other side it just puts me in this 'Oh, I don't care, I'll work it off later' mood. Needless to say, you never work it off later. BTW, I am a happy drunk - I don't get moody nor violent, nor violet. I just get happy go lucky. I started cooking at about 2 o'clock, jammed about 6 packages of Boulder Sausage in the smoker. It would normally take about 2 hours to smoke them nicely, however, it started raining. I had to go and turbocharge the smoker with an air compressor since the rain proceeded to pretty much kill my flames. That kind of sucked. I have never forced air into the smoker before, but it worked pretty well. Anyway, here is the list of what I consumed.
4 sausages
2 helpings of potato salad
1 helping of baked beans
5 shots of rum
2 beers
Numerous potato, corn and tortilla chips with salsa and some kind of sour cream stuff
Also had about 2 teaspoons worth of chocolate nibs

Exercise: very little, played a bit of table tennis in the basement (after all, that's what this get together was all about). Very weak workout.

Overall impressions: It was good to have people over, we ate, we drank, we played, we had fun. At about 6 o'clock I realized that the only fluids I consumed on this glorious day were 2 cups of coffee, 5 shots of rum and 2 beers. No good - I did feel a slight headache. Started drinking water and managed to drink a little over 2 liters before I went to bed at about 11:30. Surprisingly enough, I didn't have to go to the bathroom once. I guess once you starve your body of water, it tends to keep it. Spent quite a bit of time in the hut tub. It was a good day and afterall, I really didn't overfeed myself. Ate a bit too much but was not hurting.

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