Saturday, May 28, 2005


Well, I have been slacking off over the long weekend, but I still kept track of all the goodies I managed to gobble up. So I am posting this on Tuesday, May 31st, but I am faking the date, so we can see things in relatively nice order. I just got to copy 3 days worth from my scratch paper. Here we go.
Breakfast: nothing special, morning mush
Lunch: 2 ham sandwiches. Total of 4 slices of bread, 4 slices of lean ham, no mayo, no butter, fistful of raw spinach (I could not fit the spinach on the sandwich, so I just grabbed a handful and chomped it down).
Dinner: took a cup of pasta, cooked it, fried it lightly on olive oil (yummy), consumed with spaghetti sauce and meat chunks. Not too bad.
Snacks: I nibbled on my raw chocolate nibs, probably about a tablespoon during the day.
After dinner: me stupid. About 2 cups of sesame seed crunchy snacks. Although pretty clean food, it's pretty fatty. And at 9 PM - real smart. Had a cup of milk before I went to bed (fat free, organic).
Alcohol: a shot of rum early evening to relax. BTW, if you ever try Pyrat Rum, let me know if you like it. This is the best rum I found it this country (comes from BVI) and believe me, it took years of searching. :)
Exercise: see below
The day as a whole: Worked on the backyard all day long. Nice, sunny day, burned the crap out of my back, not good. Applied ample quantities of pure Aloe Vera gel (clean, organic) and hoping for speedy recovery. The work was not heavy, but I was moving enough to consider this as a mild workout. My back was hurting at the end of the day, drank a whole gallon of water, didn't even realize it. That's a Good Thing (TM).

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