Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Terminology, energy count

Morning mush, oat bran:
My own blend of 3/4 cup of organic oat bran, table spoon of raisins and sprinkle of cinnamon.

Morning cholesterol pill:
2 eggs (2 x 85), 2 slices of bacon (2 x 125), either fried potatoes (300) or toast (100) with butter (50), variation with either homemade or Stokes green chili (410 per can, use 1/2 can = 205).
Eggs, bacon and toast: 470
Potatoes instead of toast: 620
With potatoes and green chili: 825 Cal

Dried fruit mix:
About 1/2 cup of the following mix (normally all foods are organic): almonds (50), dried fruit (usually bananas, dried turkish apricots (20) and raisins (50)).
Energy: 120 - 150 Cal

Glass of red wine (4 fl oz, 1/2 cup, 120 ml): ~100 Cal

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