Friday, July 15, 2005

The weekend warrior, part 1

Another week, another experiment. Or a few of ...

My normal jeans size has been 34 for a long time. At one time in 1993, I even had to buy a couple of pairs of 36's. I think last time I wore size 32 pants was in 1987. Well, I waltzed into Kohl's today and walked away with Levi's 550 comfort fit 32/32. And they do feel comfortable. Way cool.

I swam the full length (and then some) of the ironman swim today. Westminster pool is 25 yards, so 2.4 miles is somewhere around 167 pool lengths (83.5 laps). Well, somehow I got it mixed up in my head and thought it's 89 laps, rounded up to 90. First 45 laps took 00:48:01, the second 45 took 00:48:24, then I added another 10 for good measure at 00:10:55, for the total of 100 laps (2.84 miles) at 01:47:20 - I am pretty excited about this. Looks like I am averaging somewhere around a minute and five seconds per lap. All crawl, no more breast strokes. Way cool. A year ago I could swim 10 laps max in about 20 minutes and had to switch between breast and crawl every 2.5 laps otherwise I would not finish. And I would finish exhausted. Much more fun now.

My weight went up a bit, I now scale somewhere between 187 - 192. I think I am growing some muscle. I have not worked out too much this week. Rode to work 2 days, 2 nights of yogalates class (I love this stuff), full day off on Wednesday, swimming today. My body is shaping up.

My leg muscles were hanging loose - very nicely loose after last week's rolfing session. Now they seem to be bulging up again. Hmmm. However, I am still walking straight and better than ever before.

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