Saturday, July 23, 2005

Body fat

I had my body composition analysis done today. This is the hydrostatic body fat test - the very accurate stuff. Not too bad.

The stats of 2 years ago (7/29/2003):
  1. Weight: 206.25 lbs
  2. Lean: 165.3 lbs
  3. Fat: 40.9 lbs
  4. Body fat: 19.9%

Today stats:
  1. Weight: 188 lbs
  2. Lean: 160.8 lbs
  3. Fat: 27.2 lbs
  4. Body fat: 14.4%

Not too bad, the numbers speak for themselves. I am definitely not the fat boy anymore, this puts me in the 85th percentile of the population (85% of the population is fatter than I am).

A couple of thoughts:
  1. I have not lost much weight for a past month. Well, somewhere around 4-5 lbs (188 on a good scale is about 185 on ours, I was about 189 - 191 (our scale) on July 4th). This may actually be a good sign. I thought I lost it a bit too fast, giving my body time to adjust is probably a good thing.
  2. I have not been working out on regular basis, I do more of a burst workouts now
  3. My eating is still pretty good, although I am aware I do eat more or worse foods than the time I kept my daily blog. Maybe I need to start the blog again? I'll give it another week.
  4. Going down to 175 lbs would put me in about 8% body fat. I am beginning to have seconds thoughts about this. Somewhere around 180 would probably be more reasonable with around 11% of body fat.
  5. I do like the fact that I start seeing the muscles under my skin.
  6. I am 3 cm taller than I have ever been before. One word. Rolfing.
  7. I went running yesterday. This was the first time since I screwed up the right ankle about a month ago. I really noticed the lack of weight.

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