Sunday, July 10, 2005

On the road to 175 lbs ...

So, I know I can sustain 185 (my scale) now. How do I offload the next 10 pounds?

Food intake
I think I am doing well on the food front. I eat before I workout, I eat after I workout, I supply my body with enough water - well, I can certainly improve on my water intake timing. I need to do some minor adjustments, like eating about a couple hundred calories per hour during 3 hour bike ride. I rode 58 miles yesterday (in 3:22) and I was pretty exhausted at the end.

Body harmony
Rolfing has a tremendos impact on my body, my mind and the relationship between those two. We're friends now, not enemies anymore. We reward each other with treats. I feed it, it feels good, I work it and it wants to give more. My body posture is changing because of rolfing, I feel straight and tall now. We have done 4 rolfing sessions up to date, we have 6 more to go.
Starting the yogalates class improves my flexibility and also has a great effect on my mental state. My right side is less flexible than my left. I need to correct it.

I normally do something about six days a week, I go little heavier over the weekends. I hurt my ankle while walking, I have to be really careful. I didn't run or walk for at least two weeks now, all the exercise was on the bike, in the pool and yogalates. I feel my ankle to be back to normal, so I'll test it tomorrow. I am having the bike tuned up, so I'll walk home from the bike shop - it's about 3 miles. That should give me a good indication.
I think it would be desirable to do something different every day. The idea of doing ironman is still lurking in the back of my mind but it's one of those I am afraid to state out loud. However, I figured that biking to work a couple times a week and alternating between swimming and running/walking for the rest of the week should be a reasonable training. Good start would probably be if I could do 1/2 ironman in 3 consecutive days. Last weekend I biked 44 miles on Saturday, swam 50 laps Sunday morning. This weekend I biked 60 miles on Saturday and swam 60 laps on Sunday. It's the 13 miles run that I am pretty afraid of. I think I'll start with my small dose of 2.3 miles at work a couple times a week again. We'll see.

The basic plan
  1. Eat well, no changes
  2. Alternate biking, running, swimming, walking
  3. Tone abs and obliques training on a ball
  4. Take advantage of rolfing
  5. Gain flexibility in yogalates class
  6. Do not get hurt

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