Saturday, July 23, 2005


I got rolfed again this Thursday, session #5.

I'll start with my usual warning:
If you ever want to get rolfed and get an impartial, genuine experience, do not read this (read my first 2 rolfing sessions writeups instead). It's not because it would be scary, but I am talking about my experiences here so if you do keep reading, you may condition yourself to expect something similar and your mind may build a response before you have a chance to try it yourself and experience the genuine thing. In any case I love rolfing and I highly recommend it due to my experiences.

Still here, uh? OK, we took the pictures as usual, Ashlane made me walk back and forth again, did her usual "walk, stop, hmmm, turn this way, aha, walk, oh, yes, stop, ..." type of stuff, then up on the table and we did a second in the series of core sessions.

  1. This time it was the muscle groups attached to the inside of my hips - of course she told me its name (it's something sounding very Latin) but I forgot it in about 3 seconds - and the upper core (my definition, not hers). Basically, around the hips, obliques, ribs and abs.
  2. She also took a short trip down my right leg for some reason, like if she felt that there is something wrong there (I didn't tell her, but this is the right knee that I hurt a little when biking last weekend. And although she is aware of my blog, I don't think she really reads it. Maybe the rolfing writeups only. Hey Ashlane, are you reading this?).
  3. Maybe she saw me walking somewhat funny and decided the leg needed a minor adjustment or something. Deep into the muscles she went and it was definitely worth it - well, I am going to put it through a test tomorrow on the bike, I promise I'll make a proper use of a derailleur this time :).
  4. Then she went up to my right hip, the torso, under my ribs and around to the other side. Ashlane spends some quality time on me. She seems to prefer to do things right instead of fast and is very patient. I think that's really the essence of rolfing - the rolfer goes slow, goes deep goes in with a purpose. The rolfee job is to cooperate, relax, not resist and let go. The harmony is created when both are patient enough and take time. I really like that and I am grateful for it.
  5. At one time she had her fingers buried deep next to my hip and I felt like they extended a few inches and reached through the core of my body and touched me next to my spine. That was really warm and interesting.
  6. Another time her hands felt like they are sculpting me from inside out. That was while she was kind of next to my obliques, on the inside.
  7. My legs were in 90 degree angle and she made me lift the knee just a little bit while she applied pressure to this Latin sounding muscle and voila - her fingers were instantly 1/2 inch deeper. At least it felt that way. Magic.
  8. After every other session I felt somewhat rearranged, something was strange and different. We had sessions after which I could not find my equilibrium, we had others during and after which I was shaking and yet others after which my muscles were very tender. I felt perfectly OK after this one, so in its own right, this was strange. Other than my emotional high, of course. I think I am getting used to this stuff, I don't think she is backing off by any means. I felt like things are where they are supposed to be. Maybe she started putting me back together. Way cool.
  9. I am really beginning to like the morning sessions. I have time to think about stuff and practice it during the day. The evening session is fine but then I go to bed, roll over and there is just too much time of follow up inactivity. And I am a morning person.
  10. I went running yesterday for the first time since I messed up my right ankle. I felt like I was gliding. It was really cool. I was using my legs from my hips and they felt longer. Not as long as your average Kenyan runner, but much longer than what I am used to.
  11. Speaking of longer. I had my body fat test done today and I took the opportunity to get my height measured. I am 3 cm taller than I have ever been before. I used to be 180 cm, I measured at 183 cm today. I wonder if that has anything to do with rolfing. Maybe? :).
  12. In conclusion - yet one more very cool rolfing session, none of my muscles are tender or sore, I don't even have to mention that "No, there are no bruises", do I? I am beginning to see a problem with the fact that there are only 5 sessions left and I question what am I going to do after we're done. I think you're supposed to lay off for a while, like a year or so. After experiencing rolfing, going back to a regular massage just seems pretty lame (sorry Nicole, Jeff, Leah, Safra, John, ..., whom did I forget?). Well, OK, I should put it about this way. Massage is great for relaxing and feeling good but it wears off pretty quickly. Rolfing is a body altering experience that, with any luck, lasts a lifetime or at least a significant portion of it. Body altering in a sence that the we allow my body to adjust itself.
  13. At the end Ashlane taught me how to walk from the hips again. I really want to focus on this, it seems to be good for me, my legs and my back. This time I am not going to try it on a 7 mile walk again. Maybe only a couple of miles this time. I feel I my body is getting to the point we want it to be, so I probably should not screw it up should I?
  14. Very interesting week. Jenny taught me how to swim, Ashlane taught me how to walk. Only if I had a running and bicycling coach, I'd be complete :). Oh yes, a brain coach,too. Santa? I've been good this year. Santa??

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