Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Heavy weekend

I went swimming on Saturday afternoon and tried to practice what Jenny taught me. Almost drowned a couple of times. This is not going to be an easy transition. Although I did five practice laps trying to move right, breathe, kick, pull and roll. I averaged just below minute per lap. And I think I can sustain that pace. I'll need some practice.

I woke up Sunday morning and went for a bike ride. Westminster->Boulder->Longmont and back. I started feeling my right knee in about a 1/2 mile and had thoughts about turning back. Then I remembered what this is all about. It's about endurance, not power. Not yet, anyway. So I started shifting easy, as soon as a minor hill came up I would just drop and started spinning. Much better. It takes a bit longer to put the hill away but I am pretty fresh when I get on top of it and the knee does not hurt. Imagine.

Finished the ride in about 3:30 riding time, 4 hours total including food and water and other breaks. Averaged about 16.5 mph, my heartbeat in the 140-165 range most of the time. My position is still not ideal, I had to stop in Longmont and raise my seat by at least 3/4 inch, I think I need to raise my handlebars too. I'll experiment.

Obviously I didn't have enough so I went to play table tennis in the afternoon. I played for little over 3 hours straight. I have never sweated this much in my life. I normally start my day with a 24 ounce glass of water, I remember going to the bathroom after that. But then I drank 7 of these during the day (that's 164 ounces - 1.3 gallons) and didn't take a bathroom break once. It all went out through my skin. No wonder they call it the 3rd kidney.

Historical moment - I scaled 179.8 that evening. Well, it kind of doesn't count since it was at the end of a very heavy workout day, but it sure gives me an attitude boost and fuels my desire to continue. Other historical moment is that I noticed I have stretch marks on my ass. Hmmm, I think I am pretty close to where I need to be and then I need to iron out those marks.

Yesterday I went to work and just had to vent my frustrations somehow. Although I felt like giving my body a bit of rest, it started bugging me for some action, so I went for a 2.3 miles run. Just easy, a lot of stretching before and after and it felt very satisfying. Also went to Longmont to play table tennis for about 3 hours. Again, a nice day, relatively easy. I thought I need to go and give blood. I have not done it for past few years and I should, I used to be pretty regular.

I just got out of hot tub and scaled at 179.6 - cool beans.

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