Sunday, July 10, 2005

Reality check

I set my goals on June 18th. It's 3 weeks later, how am I doing?
  1. Weight - I frequently scale in the 185 range. Not too bad. I even scaled at 182 yesterday right after the bike ride but that doesn't count since I was pretty dehydrated.
  2. Food - I did notice I slack off a bit here and there, but overall not too bad. I need to learn how to eat while exercising. I eat well, focusing on quality instead of quantity now. I don't really crave junk foods or sugars. Treat myself with chocolate (organic, of course) or glass of wine once in a while. NOT right after I excersize - I did learn something.
  3. My body is gaining a definition, I move with a purpose now. I think rolfing is a major player here.
  4. I have to be very careful not to get hurt - the ankle episode was rather discouraging.
  5. Overall I am doing very well on the physical side. I think I am on track for my short and long term goals.

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