Sunday, January 15, 2006

Where am I today?

Hmmm, good question.
My stats as of today: 183 lbs (as of yesterday), quit smoking January 2nd. I am still eating well, although I did consume ample quantities of chocolate lately.

I tested the waters of my physical condition with a couple of bike rides and runs, this is roughly where I am at now:
  1. Bike ride, January 2nd - 3:15:32, 14.3 mph, 158 bpm avg. 46.92 miles
  2. Run, January 7th - 1:02:37, 5.8 mph, 163 bpm, 6.1 miles
  3. Rollerblading a couple of times last week since my left foot hurt from running. Doh, go figure, didn't really run for quite a while and then do 6 miles.
  4. Bike ride, January 14th - 6 hours on and off the bike (I stopped for food and get my seat adjusted), total ride was 5:18:41, 16.9 mph, 164 bpm, 89.85 miles
  5. Run, January 15th - 24:29, 5.8 mph, 163 bpm, 2.38 miles, then walk 11:10 @ 3.8 mph, 128 bpm, .7 mile then ran again 6:05 minutes, 5.9 mph @164, 0.6 mile.

OK, to summarize the above, I suck. I think I can do the bike ride, I have already established that I can do the swim, running will be the pain in the ass (and other parts). The good news is that I am not hurt today, even after riding more miles in one day than I have ever done before. And then run/walk 3.7 miles the next day. I came home from the run and while I was very well dressed (long sleeve T, jump suit, hat, and I was pretty warm running), all of a sudden I just got these shivers and I was just so cold, it was really irritating. My head started hurting (I kind of had a tiny headache all day long) and I had to fill a tub with hot water (and sandalwood salt, um, smells sooo good) in order to shake the shakes. I think I caught a bit of a cold yesterday on the bike. I never wore a helmet before, yesterday was my first day with a helmet. Well, the damn thing is supposed to channel the air and cool you down and I think it did an exceedingly good job at it. And I didn't really feel it and didn't pay attention.

My average heartbeat sucks. Way too high. I thought that five months of smoking wouldn't hurt me. Hmmm, guess again. On the bright side, it never went over 179 even climbing the damn hill on Hwy 93 south of Boulder. I am shifting diligently.

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