Monday, January 30, 2006

First two weeks

Today is Monday, January 30th. I still don't have a very good idea about a training schedule. The initial feeling in my gut is to ramp up for two weeks to some monumental task and then take a week to recover. Well, this is what I did in past 2 weeks.
  1. Saturday, Jan 14th: bike 90 miles
  2. Sunday, Jan 15th: run/walk about 4.5 miles
  3. Monday, Jan 16th: left work early, fever of 102 F
  4. Tuesday, Jan 17th: feel a bit better, sweated through the night, woke up in cold sweat a few times.
  5. Wednesday, Jan 18th: drank beer heavily to kill my sinus headache
  6. Thursday, Jan 19th: no workout - got rolfed, session #4
  7. Friday, Jan 20th: swimming, 20 laps in 30 minutes. I suck.
  8. Saturday, Jan 21th: walk with Nancy, 8 miles total. My right Achilles hurts when I walk. Great. Hmmm, it doesn't hurt when I run. Interesting.
  9. Sunday, Jan 22nd: try to go for a walk again, turned back in 1/2 mile, the right foot does hurt. Took a day off.
  10. Monday, Jan 23rd: swam in the pool, did 35 laps in 45 minutes. I still suck.
  11. Tuesday, Jan 24th: went to see my doctor, got my physical. See below.
  12. Wednesday, Jan 25th: day off
  13. Thursday, Jan 26th: swimming, 35 laps a little better than 45 minutes.
  14. Friday, Jan 27th: ran 49:35 @ 6.3 mph, 5.125 miles, 165 abpm (average heart beats per minute)
  15. Saturday, Jan 28th: did an IronBaby. Swam 42 laps (1/2 ironman) in 45:59, biked 56 miles in 3:36 and than ran 8.9 miles in 1:41:18 at 160 abpm. Woohoo.
  16. Sunday, Jan 29th: I can hardly walk
  17. Monday, Jan 30th: run 45:16 @ 6.1 mph, 4.669 miles @ 155 abpm

The details
I was sick as a dog the first week of my training, so to make it even worse I go drinking. Really smart. The beer did taste good. Fat Tire is a good beer. I had six 25 oz beers but I was not hung over next morning. I also was in no shape to even walk that evening so friends took me home. I do seem to have a couple of memory frames missing. Not a good first week of training of aspiring ironman. At least I didn't smoke.

I felt a bit better the next week but having problems to walk for 8 miles does concern me. It looks like my legs prefer running. The problem with it that if I can't finish the run, I have no walking backup plan. That would suck.

I went to see my doctor on Tuesday and got my physical that was 3 months overdue. My cholesterol stats compared to November of 2004:


I am really winning this game. I am pumped, this is phenomenal. I am very motivated.

The bad news is that I also have a urinary tract infection (the damn cold bike ride 2 weeks ago) and I am on antibiotics. Well, it's getting better now.

I did a lot of reading on how to train and how to eat. It confused the living hell out of me at first since everyone has a different story. However, this is what my body tells me:
  1. Carbos before and during exercise, no proteins
  2. Heavy proteins (plant based preferred) immediately after the workout, no carbos.
  3. Stay hydrated.
  4. Stay warm.
  5. Did I mention Don't get hurt?

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