Sunday, January 15, 2006

Ironman in training

I will train for Ironman Brazil to be taken place on May 28th 2006. As of today there are 450 athletes registered, I think I have a good chance to at least get registered.

I think I just enlisted my wife Nancy to be my partner in crime.

Yup, there are a few strings attached.
  1. I will remain healthy - I am going to see my doctor in next couple of weeks, it's time for my annual physical. I am curious about my cholesterol. Don't get hurt training, stupid.
  2. I can get time off work - I better talk to my manager since I don't have enough vacation to take 2 weeks off.
  3. I will train for next 20 weeks - I should probably come up with some schedule first. Oh, this will be fun since I have no freaking idea.

So, off to the web I went and came up roughly with the following.
  1. The young guns train hard for 3 weeks, then take a week off. The rest of us should probably do it on 2 weeks on, 1 week off schedule.
  2. What the hell does it mean to have a week off? I can't just stop, can I?
  3. I think I'd like to apply the above philosophy to the weekly schedule. Let's see, I'll probably do most of the 'proving the concept' - long bike ride and running - over the weekend. So, I should take Monday off (light activity), ride and run on Tuesday and Wednesday, take Thursday off (I am getting rolfed again), then ramp up on Friday to get ready for gruesome Saturday and Sunday.
  4. I am dropping table tennis for next 20 weeks - I need more of a workout on Sunday and table tennis twists my upper back in funny ways.
  5. I think I'd like to come up with some kind of a curve that will lead me to the final race.
  6. I don't care about competing in the race, I want to be able to finish it.
  7. I may enlist Boulder Center for Sports medicine to figure out what makes me tick. My oxygen consumption, my ideal heart rate, my lactic acid disposal rate. Those would probably be pretty good things to know.
  8. This is going to be fun, maybe I'll write a book about it. "From Fat Man to Ironman - how to satisfy your male ego while severely punishing your body", Bantam Books, $9.95.

Hmm, maybe I should take an inventory of my equipment while I am at it.

The bike
Pretty decent, Specialized Allez, 27 speed, had it for 5 years, just got a new set of tires (Conti 4 season). I got re-fitted for the bike last week. I am considering to purchase a new set of pedals (Speedplay X2) since my left knee is trying to go in, forcing the heal out and I am about at the end of my lateral movement freedom in my clips. Bummer. I'll try to adjust it first.

Running shoes
I got setup by Fleet Feet with Saucony 3D Hurricane V about a year and half ago. They did really good, but I think they are responsible for my foot pain I acquired last week. Damn, these things are not cheap, but I think they need to be retired now.
I have relatively new pair of Saucony Trigon Ride (less than 20 miles on them). I ran in these today and my feet feel fine. I am pretty comfortable in them. I think I'll stick with them. And I saw a pair at Dick's sporting goods today for 'only' $79.95 today (on sale, regular $89.95). A bit cheaper than Hurricanes and they are a bit softer while still supportive.

Other - I use Timex GPS/HR monitor - pretty reasonable, started using conductive gel for the HR belt - works much better, especially on cold, dry days. Just put a new battery into the GPS unit today - it's annoying when it goes out in the middle of a bike ride.
I used to ride in running shorts, no padding. Just got a pair of shorts with pads. My butt is in heaven. Yes, it does make a difference.

Lessons learned so far
  1. Wear something warm on your head while biking
  2. Eat well - I discovered what I think are very good nutrition bars (well, my wife discovered these and passed on the knowledge) - Lara bar - all clean, unprocessed, uncooked. And they're made right here, in Denver. They are also chewy, so I can eat one while riding the bike, I don't even need my hands - they will not break or fall off. I ate six of them on yesterday ride, plus a banana.
  3. Comfort is important - no point if you can sprint like hell if you don't finish the race because you can't sit on the bike for more than 30 minutes at a time.
  4. I think I'd like to have my average heartbeat at around 155 on both the bike ride and the run. I'd like to be able to average 18 mph on a 112 miles course, 7 mph running and 5 mph walking if it comes to that. These are just guesses, I will need to experiment or go and get measured.
  5. I need to create a training schedule and somewhat stick to it. There will be bad weather days when I need to stay in the gym - probably a good day to work on strength.
  6. I should not neglect swimming - I should swim 2.4 miles at least once a week. In addition to other, shorter training swims - practice stroke, endurance.
  7. Did I mention Don't get hurt?

Well, that's it for tonight

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