Sunday, April 09, 2006

Week 11

This is the week of Monday March 3 - Sunday March 9, 2006

    • Monday
    • Bike to work, 1:29:29, 23.8 miles @ 15.9 mph, @ 148 bpm

    • Run, 38:12.45, 4.332 miles @ 6,8 mph (8'49" mile) @ 167 bpm

    • Bike home, 1:27:14, 23.84 miles, 16.44 mph @ 150 bpm

    • Tuesday
    • Bike to work, 1:32:52, 22.89 miles, 14.7 mph @ 139 bpm

    • Bike home, 1:26:09, 23.88 miles, 16.6 mph @142 bpm

    • Wednesday
    • Bike to work, 1:13:54, 23.69 miles, 19.1 mph @ 148 bpm. New GPS battery, GPS died, this is Cateye time and distance. Timex time was 1:15:48 - my best time ever, got lucky with the lights - only lost about 2 minutes stopping at stoplights and signs

    • Run 38:25.00, 4.269 miles, 6.6 mph (8'59" mile) @ 161 bpm

    • Bike home, 1:55:58, 23.92 miles, 12.3 mph @132 bpm. Worst time ever. Had a headwind so strong I thought I was moving backwards a few times. There were times that I had no more gears I could shift and I was moving at 6 mph on a flat road (my bike has 27 gears). Certainly a good workout.

    • Thursday
    • Run, 42:02.9, 4.085 miles, 5.8 mph (10'17" mile) @ 140 bpm. Dan did really good, this is the first time he broke 4 miles

    • Friday
    • Run, 38:21.52, 4.243 miles, 6.6 mph (9'02" mile) @ 156 bpm

    • Saturday
    • Went skiing in Winter Park. Met this kid, Gustavo (Gus), from Miami. Amazing kid, this was the second time he was on skis, he saw snow for the first time in his life on Friday. He never even took a lesson but was doing really well. He started asking questions, so I shown him a couple of things, how to turn properly, distribute the weight, etc. In a couple of hours I took him to a steep (smooth) blue/black run and he made it without a fall. Next run I took him to the edge of moguls and had him go in for a few. He didn't do stellar, but good enough to be able to make it down a mogul field. Cool kid.

    • I also did (not my first choice) a somersault on skies. Landed kind of funny on my left leg and hip. Laughed it off, but it started hurting a bit with time. We packed up at about 2:30 and went home. Getting out of the car really hurt, I could hardly walk. I did some stretches, took some ibuprophen, had Nancy stand on my lower back and soaked in the hottub for a while. I am concerned about getting hurt bad enough so it interrups my training and I can't afford that now. I think I am going to take some time off next week. I am a dumb ass.

    • Sunday
    • Laying low, licking my wounds, left hip still hurts but it's not too bad.

    • I should probably call Duffy and schedule a "rolfing fixme" session.

Great training week and I wasn't hurt until I did my ski acrobatics. I biked almost 150 miles, ran about 17 miles, did something every day.

But I got hurt. Lets just hope it's not too severe, preferrably it's just bumps and bruises. I'd like to buy our airplane tickets tomorrow.
My hardest week of training is coming up pretty quickly, it should be probably be the week of May 1st. I think I'll lay off a bit next week. It maybe a good week to get back into swimming, I have been neglecting it lately.

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