Saturday, April 01, 2006

Week 10

  • Monday March 27th: Day off

  • Tuesday March 28th:

    • Bike to work: 23.85 miles in 1:19:09 (18.1 mph) @ 153 bpm. GPS battery ran out, needed to replace before running.

    • Run at lunch: 5.876 miles in 50:12.33 (7.0 mph - 8'32" mile) @ 168 bpm

    • Bike home: 24.41 miles in 1:32:58 (15.7 mph) @ 146 bpm. Took a shortcut through Broomfield and got lost there. Bummer.

  • Wednesday March 29th: easy run 2.531 miles in 26:10.45 (5.8 mph - 10'20" mile), @ 141 bpm

  • Thursday March 30th: 4.372 miles in 42:56.36 @ 6.1 mph (9'49" mile) @ 156 bpm

  • Friday March 31st: Day off

  • Saturday April 1st: Day off - building a desk at home

  • Sunday April 2nd: Was going to go skiing, didn't do it. We did go to Winter Park, it was just too windy and cold and I didn't have enough layers on me. We went to have a nice breakfast and then schmoozed around the local minimall instead of being miserable on the slope. Nice day off.

Notes: It's becoming pretty clear to me that I need to setup a spreadsheet with all this data and try to make some kind of sence out of it. It's becoming increasingly difficult to read back this blog and try to figure out whether I am somehow improving somewhere. I do feel very good about being able to run a 1/2 marathon or bike to work, run and bike back while not being in too much pain, but still, I don't have the hard numbers. I need numbers, I am an engineer. I am probably going skiing tomorrow (was going to, see above).
My weight is still around 178 - 183. Need to be 175 solid before end of May. I have been slacking with my food, I even had icecream last night while watching a movie.

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