Monday, March 13, 2006

Week 8

Monday March 13th: ran 5.299 miles @ 7.0 mph (8'29" mile) in 44:59.37, @ 173 bpm. Cold run. Sucks.
Tuesday March 14th: ran 4.633 miles @ 6.2 mph (9'37" mile) in 44:37.14 @ 159 bpm
Wednesday: off
Thursday March 16th: ran 2.67 miles @ 5.9 mph (10'05" mile) in 26:58.17 @ 147 bpm
Friday March 17th: ran 4.83 miles @ 6.3 mph (9'22" mile) in 45:00.9 @ 162 bpm
Saturday March 18th: bike.
Timex GPS includes food and other stops: 55.23 miles @ 15.7 mph in 3:30:57 @ 155 bpm.
Cat eye bike comp is pure riding time: 54.96 miles @ 17 mph in 3:12:33
Sunday March 19th: Skiing in Winter Park. Did about 4 hours, easy going, hit the moguls once in a while. At about 2 o'clock my right knee started telling me it's got enough, it got a bit gloomy and snowing a bit, lowering visibility. We were supposed to get a big snowstorm here in Denver area so it was a good time to head back home and nit the hot tub.

Overall: pretty good week although the weather sucks. Glad I could sneak in the Saturday ride. Cat eye is only 1/4 mile off on a 55 mile ride, not too bad, the riding time is accurate since the cat eye stops as I stop at lights and for food and water. I think I should be able to ride my circuit in under 3 hours one day.

This was my first ride with Speedplay X2's. I like them as well as I like the Sidi triathlon bike shoes. Although I have not been on the bike for week and half, I felt pretty good after the ride.

Looking for Czech national bike team jersey. Can't find one. Bummer.

I have been eating more carbos lately - pasta, bread, dumplings. My weight is between 178 - 184. I think it would be good to keep steady 175, I need to get a bit more disciplined with my chocolate consumption.

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